I'm not a support representative, but I'll try my best to help you. Please understand that Synology NAS with docker has *many* options and I cannot make a guide that covers all possibilities. This tries to capture a default installation. These steps assume you have a working Synology NAS (I used version 6.2.1), you are able to login to the NAS as an administrator, you are connected to the same local network the NAS is on, and you have already installed Docker on the NAS.
1. Login as an administrator on the Synology
2. Launch Docker
3. Click Registry from the left hand navigation
4. In the Search bar, type "bizmodeller/mymediaforalexa" and click "Search"
5. Right click on the result "bizmodeller/mymediaforalexa" and select "Download this image"
6. Wait a few minutes for the image to finish downloading, then click on "Images" in the left hand navigation
7. Select "bizmodeller/mymediaforalexa" and click the "Launch" button
8. Container setup:
(Default) name: bizmodeller/mymediaforalexa1
(Default) Unchecked - Execute container using high priviledges
(Default) Unchecked - Enable resource limitation
Click "Advanced Settings":
Check - Enable auto-restart
Check - Create shortcut on desktop: Web-page http://<yourSynologyNASIPAddress:52051
Click "Volume" tab:
Click "Add Folder":
(I recommend creating a "nas\docker" folder in your NAS volume to store all your local docker settings, I will assume you have done this)
Under nas\docker, create a new directory "mymediaforalexa"
Under nas\docker\mymediaforalexa, create a new directory "datadir"
Select "nas\docker\mymediaforalexa\datadir" and click "Select" button
Mount this directory to "/datadir" and ensure the checkbox for "read only" is not enabled
Click "Add Folder":
Locate the directory which contains all your music, click "Select"
Mount this directory to "/medialibrary". It should be safe to check "read only" if you to avoid having any risks to modifying your media.
Click "Network" tab: No changes required (bridge)
Click "Port Settings" tab:
Under each "Local Port", change it from "Auto" (Which randomly assigns a local port) to instead be the same value as the container port, so:
52050 Local Port -> 52050 Container Port (TCP)
52051 Local Port -> 52051 Container Port (TCP)
Click "Links" tab: No changes required
Click "Environment" tab: No changes required
Click "Apply" button"
Ensure the checkbox for "Run this container after the wizard is finished" is checked, and then click the next "Apply" button.
Click "Container" from the left navigation
In a few seconds, you should see your new container running in this area.
Are you running a firewall on your Synology NAS? You should be! If so, please go into Control Panel->Security->Firewall and edit the rules to the running policy, on the interfaces you need (all interfaces, for example), to allow ports/services for the docker tcp/52050 and tcp/52051. These ports must be accessible to the *local* network which contains your Alexa devices. Alternatively, it is technically possibly to open these ports to the internet to alexa devices outside your local network -- but this may require port forwarding setup in your router which is beyond the scope of this article
Are you running Application Portal on your Synology NAS? I recommend it, but it does require a bit more setup than this guide can fully explain! If so, please go into Control Panel->Application Portal->Reverse Proxy. You can now click "Create", set a description of "mymediaforalexa", source protocol "https" (assuming you have set up SSL certificates on your NAS), hostname: mymediaforalexa.yourdomain.com (assuming you have set up a wildcard DNS entry for yourdomain.com to point to your local network), port: 443 (assuming you have opened port 443 to your local network to the public internet), Check enable HSTS, Check enable HTTP/2, do not enable access control, Destination: protocol HTTP, hostname: localhost (this refers to your NAS where the docker container is running), port: 52051.
You can now connect to mymediaforalexa by going to either:
Or, if you followed the Application Portal setup:
When running mymediaforalexa in a docker container with bridge mode networking, it will likely automatically detect the docker host IP address *incorrectly*. This will cause your alexa devices to be unable to play songs from your mymediaforalexa. Therefore, you must login to the mymediaforalexa, click "Settings", and under "Listening IP Address" you must click "Set", enable "Override IP Address", and type in the IP address of your Synology NAS (Example: I'm not 100% certain, but you may need to restart the docker container for this take effect.
Known issues:
Every time they upgrade the mymediaforalexa docker image, it blows away your configuration and all saved playlists in /datadir. I hope they fix this or please let me know if anyone knows what I am doing wrong.