Mixed Language Suggestion

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Joined: Tue Aug 04, 2020 9:53 am

Mixed Language Suggestion

Post by stevemotuel »

Hello and thanks for a really grate Skill

I have been using My Media for a few months now and am finding it increasingly nerve wrecking that when in German language mode on Alexa, My Media seems to have a problem when I issue an English title for a song or Playlist! this goes completely away if I change Alexa to English!

My request would be...

could you offer the language use in the Skill to be changed more easily or is there another suggestion

Thanks in advance

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Joined: Thu Nov 14, 2013 8:40 pm

Re: Mixed Language Suggestion

Post by bizmodeller »

This is a great point. Currently we do some pretty complicated stuff to guess which language is being uttered and find the best match.

Will muse on this and revert

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