Expand the functionality of adding to playlist.

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Joined: Mon May 09, 2022 8:16 pm

Expand the functionality of adding to playlist.

Post by Ian855 »

When creating or adding items to playlists, for each of genera, artist or album you can only add all tracks for each of the criteria.

It would be extremely helpful to be able to select individual tracks from a genre, artist or album to add to a playlist.

You should be able to select multiple tracks to the playlist in one go.

For example go into genre and select 20 individual tracks and then select Add to playlist and all twenty tracks would be added.

When selecting tracks from the ‘Songs’ menu, you should be able to select multiple tracks and add all selected to a playlist. At the moment you have to select each individual track and add to playlist, rinse and repeat until all required tracks are added to the playlist.
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