Allow to create "dynamic playlists"

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Allow to create "dynamic playlists"

Post by apollon77 »


My NAS (Synology) is allowing me to define criteria (e.g. songs with Genre X, but not Y or have Z in text or or or ) and is creating a "dynamic playlist" out of it that I can use. So it is not statically defined, but based on "search/selection criteria". It would be awesome to also be able doing something like this for the MyMedia skill

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Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:28 pm

Re: Allow to create "dynamic playlists"

Post by pwiggz »

Agree 100%. A feature similar to the "smart playlists" of Kodi would be great. This is basically a way to create a search query of your music database. For example, "only include songs less than 6 minutes in length; 'Comments' field must not include 'ExcludeFromPlaylists'; artists not in 'Oasis', etc). Also, ability to set a playlist as random vs set (so a playlist is always played in shuffle mode).
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