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Voice commands for Chapters in Audiobooks

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:32 pm
by moon
Hi there

first of all, great work!

I want to use My Media for Alexa to read audiobooks, which so far works great with the read command.

Now what I really miss, is the option to ask My Media to have chapters specific commands


Alexa, ask "My Media" to read chapter 3 of "Name of Audiobook"
-> If Alexa hears "read Chapter" it assumes what follows is an audiobook, will look for chapter number that follows and play it if found. If there is a position that I left off, ask if i want to continue or go to the chapter i asked for instead
-> If chapter does not exist, say it couldn't be found and if i want to resume where I left off (if I did) or want to start from beginning instead

Or when already reading..

Alexa, restart (the) chapter
Alexa, go to (the) beginning of (the) chapter
Alexa, (go to the) next chapter
Alexa, (go to the) previous chapter
Alexa, read chapter 3
Alexa, go to (the) beginning of Book/Audiobook/Track
Alexa, which chapter am I on?

Alexa, starte das Kapitel von vorne
Alexa, gehe zum Anfang des Kapitels
Alexa, gehe zum nächsten Kapitel
Alexa, gehe zum vorherigen Kapitel
Alexa, lies Kapitel 3
Alexa, gehe zum Anfang des Buchs/Hörbuchs/Tracks
Alexa, welches Kapitel ist das?

Just some ideas ...

I really like what you made will happily support you after the trial ends. There's no other skill that works so well for playing mp3's or audiobooks. Thanks!

Re: Voice commands for Chapters in Audiobooks

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2021 10:10 am
by Srandall
I would like this too, particularly commands to go to the start of the chapter versus start of the book.
Could we also ask how much time remains? To hear there are 20 minutes left in the chapter and 1 hour 40 left in the book for instance.

Re: Voice commands for Chapters in Audiobooks

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 4:31 pm
by PeteM
Just being able to go forward/back by x amount of time would be enough for me.