Add a 2nd server

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Add a 2nd server

Post by Ronko »

I spent a few hours with the free trial and it worked fine, I saw that by purchasing the $10 subscription that I could have 2 servers, I have a second drive with older music that I got messed up with all the iTunes updates over many years. I am hoping to recover these from the other drive which as a different local addy. But I am not sure as I do not see it on server list. I am a long time Apple user since 1987, but that just makes me old confused Geezer now.😂
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Re: Add a 2nd server

Post by bizmodeller »

Hmm ... not fully sure I understand what you're trying to do.

The second server option is if you want to have two computers that host media - eg Jane has a computer on her study and Mike has a computer in his office. Jane and Mike may have their own Alexa devices but want to listen to music from each other's computers sometimes. In this case, you would install My Media on both computers. Jane and Mike can use their own Amazon accounts with their Alexa devices and then use My Media Invitations to allow each other access to their My media servers. They would switch between the servers by saying "Alexa, ask My Media to switch servers".

If you just want to add a second hard drive to an existing computer, this isn't a second server. Instead you just need to ensure the drive is mounted within your computer and then add a Watch Folder over that second hard disk.
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