How to generate install log file when installing iHomeServer

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How to generate install log file when installing iHomeServer

Post by bizmodeller »

It may be useful to generate an install log file if the iHomeServer installation process does not complete successfully. The log can then be sent to our support email address (support at for our review.

If you want to generate an install log file when you are installing iHomeServer, then please follow these steps:

1. Open a command prompt on your computer
2. Type the following command:

Code: Select all

msiexec /i "full_filename_with_path_of_ihomeserver.msi" /L*V "C:\temp\iHomeServerInstallLog.log"
3. Press Enter to run the install program.
4. Once the installation has completed (or failed), please zip and email the iHomeServerInstallLog.log file created in c:\temp to our support email address.

1. The "full_filename_with_path_of_ihomeserver.msi" should be substituted with the full path to the MSI you downloaded from, eg "c:\users\Administrator\Downloads\iHomeServer.Pro.v3.64-bit.msi"
2. The directory c:\temp should exist for the command above to work. Otherwise, change the log file location to another location that already exists.
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