If there is a power failure that causes an unclean system shutdown, it is possible that the iHomeServer database may become corrupted. If this is the case, you may experience an error message when you launch the console indicating that the iHomeServer Windows Service cannot be contacted.
Checking the iHomeServer log files, you may see the following error message:
05/11/2013 21:20:51.296 05 Error whilst initiating : The database file may be corrupted. Run the repair utility to check the database file. [ Database name = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\iHomeServer (for iTunes)\iHomeServer.sdf ]
To resolve this issue, follow these instructions:
1. Log into your computer's desktop if you are using a remote computer to run iHomeServer (eg Windows Home Server)
2. Stop the iHomeServer Windows Service in the Control Panel / Services applet (the service is called "bizmodeller iHomeServer (for iTunes)")
3. Open a command prompt, and navigate to the following directory:
Code: Select all
c:\Program Files\iHomeServer
Code: Select all
iHomeServer /r "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\iHomeServer (for iTunes)\iHomeServer.sdf"
6. Check you can now access iHomeServer from the console
If you continue to have an issue please raise a ticket with support.