Restrict to only audio files

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Restrict to only audio files

Post by rchao »


Currently evaluating the trial version here, impressive piece of software! I just had one minor issue; I currently have all my media (movies/shows/movies) downloaded to a single share, where Couchpotato and Sickbeard would process the file and shuttle it off into the right directory (movies or shows) and iTunes would do the same for music. I was wondering if it was possible to set up watch folders to only look for audio files? I love that there is an option to delete files after they are imported however ihomeserver will move my movie files at times, and I do not want them in iTunes at all. Is there a way to set this up? If not I can make a topic in the feature requests section...It's the one option that would make this a must-buy for me.

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Re: Restrict to only audio files

Post by bizmodeller »

Hey - thanks for the compliments :)

You can restrict watch folders to just audio files with the current version, however, note that this affects all Watch Folders.

To change the file types that are picked up by iHomeServer Watch Folders, simply go to the iHomeServer Management Console, click 'Settings' and find the 'Watch Folders' tab. Then click 'Change' in the top pane to change which file types are scanned.

I've attached a screenshot of the setting to change, or you can refer to our on-line help for further information here: ... er_tab.htm

Let me know if you need more info
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